Where to Buy Saunas
in New Zealand?

The Benefits Of Having A Sauna At Home

Studies have shown that regular infrared sauna sessions can have a significantly positive impact on both physical and mental health. By incorporating sauna sessions either daily or a few times a week into your routine you can enjoy some of the following benefits;

  • Reduction in inflammatory markers in the body
  • Better circulation
  • Parasympathetic nervous system activation can help us to feel calmer, relaxed and have lower stress levels
  • Pain management/relief
  • Weight management
  • Muscle recovery

Many choose to use their saunas in the evening as it is a great way to wind down from the day, slip into a relaxed mindset, de-stress, unplug and set you up for a better night’s sleep. Add in some aromatherapy and colour therapy lighting and you’ll be all set for a night of sleepy bliss. Others prefer to have a sauna session post-workout to aid recovery.

Enquire Now About How To Buy One Of Our Infrared Saunas In New Zealand

If you would like to have an infrared sauna in your home get in touch with us today to find out more about our range and what sauna will be best for your budget, space and health & wellbeing goals.